About Us

 Got Got Me, God Got You, LLC:

We share the power, the authority, the sovereignty and the Glory of Christ with all who receive it. Through the message of

“God Got Me, God Got You” 

Completely Christ Inspired.

God has given everyone testimonies, we are told to share the good news and testimonies are good news. We just have to recognize God’s hand in our lives and choose to share it.

We are a platform for believers to share testimonies whether by writing or video about what they believe God has done for them. No matter how big or small it may seem to you. To someone else it could save their soul. That’s what God gives all of us!

I believe others will develop faith by hearing the good news about Christ. Roman’s 10:17 That’s obviously by reading the Bible but also seeing Christ in each other. Thats what we are promised through Faith in Christ. To be new creations that has been newly inhabited by the Holy Spirit. We believe God is The Father, Jesus Christ(The Son) and The Holy Spirit! In Christ you are redeemed and we are here to tell everyone God saved me, God will save you. What God did for me, he will do even greater for you.

I pray we are able to invite many people all over the world to the most important banquet we could ever be invited to where we are all eating the bread of life and drinking living water. Luke 14:7-24

God Got Me, God Got You was birthed in December 1st of 2013. 

 I woke up as the best collegiate wrestler in the country weighing in at 149lbs, and by night fall, I was in a coma fighting for my life. Life happens in moments, and, in this moment, God was with me and has never left me!

We read in Deuteronomy 31:6 NLT “So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you.”

The question for me through this tragedy was never, “Will I comeback from this?” I feel God was asking me, “Do you believe I can bring you back from this?” 

I worked so hard to be the #1 college wrestler in the country, and I still appreciate being able to say that. My senior season was set up for me to have an amazing wrestling season, but what God seen me through was life changing for myself as well as others. How that season ended for me was not the way I envisioned it, but I still won one of the biggest battles of my life of being in a near-fatal car accident.

A few weeks after pinning my Iowa State opponent in the Iowa State vs Grand View dual, my teammate, his dad, and myself all drove to Ames, IA together to watch the Iowa vs Iowa State dual wrestling. After the dual meet, we were heading back to Des Moines for wrestling practice. A 25 minute route from Ames to Des Moines turned into a 24 day testimony in the hospital where God worked miracles for myself and many others to witness.

Long story short, an SUV going 75mph slammed into the car we were in while we were at a complete stop. I was sitting in the back seat of the car and took the brunt of the hit. The gas tank was just inches away from impact, and, favorably, there was no explosion to which then I was cut out of the car by what are referred to as the Jaws of Life. Suffice it to say, it did not look good for me.

After being life-flighted to a hospital in Des Moines, I was in a coma for 14 days with a fractured spine, hematoma, broken jaw in two places, severe brain trauma to my frontal lobes among other diagnoses. The first 14 days the doctors told my family I would likely die. To their surprise, I woke up from the coma, and their new prediction was that I would be in a vegetative state for the remainder of my life. Despite this bad news, my loved ones had faith, and God had other plans for me that humbled everyone involved.

10 days after waking up from my coma, God gave me the strength to stand up on my own, walk, talk, become a bit more conscious, and leave the hospital under the care of my mother. The doctors told my mother that, medically, it did not make sense that we were actually leaving that hospital.

God did so much for me within those 24 days that has carried into the last 10 years. I’ve seen the hand of God upon my life, and I’ve received a plethora of blessings throughout this time that God is continually doing. One of the greatest blessings has been being able to share God’s glory everyday since through my testimony.

After a few months of physical rehab, a re-broken and wired up jaw, lots of prayers, and faith in God doing what others said was impossible, I found myself heading into the doctors office to get cleared to go back to finish college and wrestle again! Which I did! Since then I’ve done more and It’s All By The Grace Of God!!!

God never promises us an easy life, but God does promise to be with us and never leave us nor forsake us. Yes, bad things happen in a broken world but in Christ our sufferings have reason. They tend to become our biggest blessings when we trust God through it all!!!

We all have the choice through our life struggles to give up or give it to God. God wants us to choose faith while listening to His voice which will strengthen us wherever we go. We will hear,

“Keep going!”


“I Will!”

I Have Even Greater For You!”

“Don’t stop!”

“You’re able!”

“Do you believe in me?”

“I am with you!”

I encourage you to take a moment to reflect on your life. Can you recall a plethora of testimonies God has done for you also? I pray you will share at least one or several on our “Share A Testimony” tab which can help someone else see God through your own life to then be able to recognize God in every pocket of their own lives!

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